Sexual Health Therapy

Maintaining a happy, healthy and fulfilling sex life is important to many individuals and couples. However, sometimes there are obstacles that prevent individuals from achieving the sex life that they desire. If you are experiencing any difficulties or dissatisfaction with your sex life, you may benefit from the help of a Montreal sex therapist.

Sex therapy can help treat many sexual difficulties, such as:

  • Erectile or ejaculation difficulties
  • Low or lack of sex drive
  • Differing sex drives between partners
  • Orgasm difficulties
  • Arousal problems
  • General dissatisfaction with your sex life
  • Sexuality shifts due to physical changes (menopause, weight gain or loss, injury, etc)
  • Anxiety about sex
  • Questions about sexual orientation
  • Body Image troubles
  • Difficulties related to sexual trauma
  • Sexual pain (vulvodynia, vaginismus, dysparuenia)

How will sex therapy help?

It can be uncomfortable to discuss sexual dysfunction due to the private nature of the subject. The therapist understands how challenging it can be to seek help and will ensure a safe and comfortable space where she can help you talk about the problems you are experiencing without judgement. The therapist will help you explore your emotions and other factors that can have an impact on your sex life. With guidance, you can recognize the source of your difficulties and learn how to overcome the challenges you face in developing the satisfying sex life that you desire. For further questions about sex therapy or to schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Chow.


This website offers a number of helpful tools and worksheets that can help facilitate change and promote well-being. You are welcome to download the following PDF document(s) or download ADOBE here  to download the desired file. These tools are most helpful as an adjunct to therapy. Sexual Health Thought Record

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